Formats - Jpg,Tiff or PSD is our preferred format at 8 or 16 bit, must beflattened.
Colour Space - sRGB or Adobe RGB 1998. If you supply a file with a different colour space we are not liable for the colour accuracy.
Dust & Spots - Make sure that you check your files for dust & spots in detail before printing, especially if you are enlarging an image.
File Resolution - Please supply all files at either 240ppi or 300ppi where possible.
File Dimensions - Please make sure your supplied files are at the final print size. Remember to write your print size in the filename.
Make sure that you have cropped your image to the correct ratio as you are intending on printing.
All prints produced by Skar Image Lab come with a minimum of 5mm paper border. In most cases the paper border is at least 10-20mm evenly around the printed area.
Formats - Jpg,Tiff or PSD is our preferred format at 8 or 16 bit, must beflattened.
Colour Space - sRGB or Adobe RGB 1998. If you supply a file with a different colour space we are not liable for the colour accuracy.
Dust & Spots - Make sure that you check your files for dust & spots in detail before printing, especially if you are enlarging an image.
File Resolution - Please supply all files at either 240ppi or 300ppi where possible.
File Dimensions - Please make sure your supplied files are at the final print size. Remember to write your print size in the filename.
Make sure that you have cropped your image to the correct ratio as you are intending on printing.
All prints produced by Skar Image Lab come with a minimum of 5mm paper border. In most cases the paper border is at least 10-20mm evenly around the printed area.